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9 Ways to be Strategic in Your Job

Very often, we end up spending more time reacting to other people’s priorities and not on the things that will make an impact on the organization or advance our career plan.


If you are in management, thinking strategically requires you to be deliberate and intentional about the impact you would like to make while you are in your current role. Many people are busy in their jobs everyday getting a lot of activities done, but when they step back to reflect (if they do) on what they actually got done and accomplished; it’s difficult to figure out.

Very often, we end up spending more time reacting to other people’s priorities and not on the things that will make an impact on the organization or advance our career plan.

Here are 9 ways you can be more strategic in your job

  1. Determine the strategic requirements of your position, i.e., establish a direct connection between your work and the strategic objectives of your organisation.
  2. Be clear about your role and the contribution your role makes to the business.
  3. Make sure to concentrate your time and effort on projects that will advance your personal career objectives.
  4. Get clarity around your managers priorities and strategic focus areas. 
  5. Consider and agree on the most crucial duties your boss or CEO wants you to complete and the associated timelines. 
  6. Connect the dots and communicate – Be bold and articulate how your tasks and projects correlate to the company’s strategic direction.
  7. Plan ahead – First, decide with your boss which tasks will support his or her agenda; then, set deadlines, complete the tasks, and regularly check in to ensure the intended results are being accomplished.
  8. Bring new ideas to the table and confidently articulate how they support the goals of the company.
  9. Listen and question approaches/decisions, do your research and share insights that could alter the way others around you think (including your boss).

There are many more ways you can work strategically, follow and subscribe to learn more.  It can be tough to prioritize time when you have a lot of tasks to complete. But by organizing your time and setting priorities, you can get the stuff that matters done.

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